
Sunday 20 October 2013

Richmond and Richmond Park - London

Richmond park is the largest park in London, and is classed as a National Nature Reserve in the UK. Richmond Park is located in Southwest London, a few min walking distance from the town of Richmond, see below map for location.

Richmond,它擁有倫敦最大的公園 - Richmond Park

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Richmond and Richmond Park

The park has a lot of famous landmarks, however one thing that does really draw me to the park are its horned inhabitants. Declared as a deer park by King Charles I in 1634 Richmond Park is now home to around 630 deer of two varieties, the larger Red Deer and the smaller Fallow Deer.

They make Richmond a great place for Photographers, as you will see in a few of the pictures below.

Richmond park is open for motor traffic and makes for a good drive, traffic is only allowed into the park during daylight hours, however pedestrian and cyclists are allowed access to the park 24 hours a day.

Richmond Park is a great location for dawn and dusk photography, specially around the grass plains and the ponds.

The park also contains ten grade two listed properties, and some good viewing points of the city of London. The most notable is King Henry's Mound, named after King Henry the Eight of England. It is the highest point in the park and has a view protected view of St Pauls Cathedral, which is located 10 miles east of the park.

The park also offers a great view point of the city of London, and many locals do gather around the area known as Richmond hill to watch the new year fireworks in the city.

Here is a link to the detailed Map of Richmond Park -


Richmond Park crips winter sunrise

1。它有很多野生的鹿兒 (好啦! 也許是國家養的,重點是它無柵欄,只要不驚到它們就好)

Richmond and Richmond Park

2。它很純!因為它位在西南四區,幾乎沒有觀光客,都是以白人為主,假日的Richmond Park大多是家長帶著孩子享受天倫之樂

Richmond and Richmond Park


Richmond and Richmond Park
回想起第一次去Richmond Park,只為了看deer一眼,誰知公園那麼大,延著河畔就走了快一個小時!還好我們先去河岸邊的Pub用餐,養足精神才再出發 ^_^

Richmond Park - London
其實Richmond Park無論是清晨或是傍晚,都有它吸引人的一面

Richmond Park - London

Richmond Park - London

一起去看看雪中的Richmond Park吧 ^_^

Richmond and Richmond Park

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1 comment:

  1. 好漂亮的英國,希望可以快快存夠錢到英國!!!
